Welcome to the American Belgian Hare Club web-site. The American Belgian Hare Club (ABHC) is dedicated to the raising, breeding, promoting, and showing of Belgian Hare rabbits. The ABHC is sanctioned under the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and includes 100+ members in 25 states, as well as Canada and the United Kingdom.
The Belgian Hare is a distinct rabbit, closely resembling a hare, with a long, fine body, muscular flank, and arched back with loins and well-rounded hind quarters. The Belgian Hare has two recognized varieties, the traditional "rufus" variety with a deep red rufus coat with black, wavy ticking, and the recently approved tan variety that includes black, blue, chocolate, and lilac with a tan undercoat. (See link for poster showing hare characteristics)
The Belgian Hare is one of the oldest breeds in America, dating back to the 1880’s. Today the Belgian Hare is one of the rarer rabbit breeds, and is considered threatened, according to the American Livestock Breed Conservancy.
If you would like to know more about the Belgian Hare or our club, information is available on this site, or feel free to contact one of the club officers. Additionally, a Belgian Hare Club Facebook page can be accessed by selecting the Facebook icon on the bottom corner of this page.